155 Squadron Officer photos. Staff from 2003 and 2004-2005.
155 Squadron Officers 2003:
L-R: 2Lt Ken Floyd, Lt Dennis Smith CD, 2Lt John Radigan, 2Lt Claire Duguay, Lt Steve Mullins, (CO) Capt Mark Lawson, Lt Mike Duguay, 2Lt Brandy Boychuk, Capt Manfred Storch CD. Courtesy of Capt Peter Petainen CD
155 Squadron Officers 2004-2005:
L-R: Ocdt John Radigan, Lt Dennis Smith CD, Lt Steven Mullins, 2Lt Brandy Boychuk, Capt Peter Petainen CD (CO), 2Lt Ken Floyd, 2Lt Claire Duguay, Lt Mike Duguay, Capt Manfred Storch CD