155 Borden Gray G.C. Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron is part of the Cadet Program, the largest federally-sponsored youth program in Canada. It is a national program for young Canadians aged 12 to 18 who are interested in participating in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities
The 155 Borden Gray G.C. Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron of Sault Ste Marie was formed in 1942. The Squadron is named after a Sault Ste Marie native who posthumously received the George Cross (GC) for his heroism which he displayed sacrificing his life to save the life of his crew members.
AIR CADET MOTTO: To Learn To Serve To Advance
THE MISSION: The aim of the Cadet Program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the Canadian Forces.
Click here to learn more or to help support the Squadron Sponsor, a United Way Agency Program.
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While learning the theory of flight, Cadets participate as team members in Drill, Pipe and Drum Band, Highland dancing and marksmanship while meeting new friends and having fun.
Both of these are at no monetary cost to the cadet. Over a thousand cadets have gone through the ranks of the 155 and have experienced flights. Numerous cadets have earned their pilot wings.
As a cadet progresses through the training years, opportunities are available to those who pass the qualifications and are selected to attend flight training where the cadet can earn their glider pilot licence. In following years these cadets can go to earn their power pilots licence.

Many have made flying their profession, some flying civilian small to the largest passenger planes, for the military in helicopters, the Snowbirds acrobatic team and CF-18 Fighter aircraft.
155 Squadron parades from 6:00pm – 9:10pm on Wednesday evenings from September until June at the Armoury at 375 Pine Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.
Commanding Officer
Captain Cathy Devon