Tag «Flying»

Air Cadets Learn to Fly Model Aircraft

May 9, 2016 MEDIA RELEASE Local Air Cadets experienced firsthand how a scaled down airplane maneuvers up close 155 AIR CADETS ************************* Local Air Cadets experienced firsthand how a scaled down airplane maneuvres up close. Club members’ from the Soo Modellers visited the 155 Air Cadets on their Wednesday training night recently at the Pine Street Armoury …

Be Safe and Don’t Crash

21 Oct 14 – MEDIA RELEASE “Be safe and don’t crash were the final inspirational words that local air cadet Flight Sgt. (F/Sgt.) Chris Seymour kept in the back of his mind from his Flight Instructor on his first solo flight in a Cessna 150. At 17 years of age F/Sgt. Chris Seymour is a …

155 Squadron Gliding at CFB North Bay

4 Oct 14  MEDIA RELEASE Local Air Cadets l earn about flying firsthand recently when they flew in a glider and tow plane to experienced and the joy of flying when they visited CFB North Bay for the weekend. 23 cadets from the 155 Borden Gray Air Cadet Squadron (Sqn.) participated in their annual flying …

Local Cadets Take Flight (Literally)

Oct 19, 2013 MEDIA RELEASE 155 BORDEN GREY AIR CADET SQUADRON Three local Air Cadets of the 155 Borden Grey Air Cadet Squadron received their pilot wings this past Wednesday night at the annual Wings Parade. 155 BORDEN GREY AIR CADET SQUADRON **************************** Three local Air Cadets of the 155 Borden Grey Air Cadet Squadron received their …

High-flying success stories from Air Cadets

Oct 14, 2012 NEWS RELEASE 155 BORDEN GRAY AIR CADET SQUADRON ************************* MR 001 Wings Parade Soaring at 3000 feet in a glider by yourself with just the wind noises and the freedom to fly through the sky on wind currents. MR 001 Wings Parade Soaring at 3000 feet in a glider by yourself with …

Woo-hoo! Caleb, Nathan and Sara!

Oct 24, 2009  NEWS RELEASE 155 BORDEN GREY AIR CADET SQUADRON ************************* This past summer was a summer to remember for three local air cadets as they got a chance to fly and qualify for their pilot’s licences at no cost to them. ************************* This past summer was a summer to remember for three local …