Tag «Pipes and Drums»

Tartan Day Challenge

155 SQN. Tartan 75th Anniversary 17.003 SAULT STE MARIE: The 155 Borden Gray GC Squadron is challenging you too wear your tartan on Tartan Day. Send us your Tartan photo to our Facebook or Twitter account and we will post it as part of our Tartan Day Challenge. A random draw will determine the winner …

155 RCACS Freestyle Band Routine

2014 Band & Drill Competition North Bay, 11 May ’14 155 Borden Grey Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (Sault Ste Marie) Military Band – Freestyle Routine <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/OjWaOAXZE_E” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Local cadets shine at Band and Drill Competition

May 15, 2013  NEWS RELEASE NORTHERN ONTARIO BAND AND DRILL COMPETITION 2013 *************************** Local cadets win at Band and Drill Competition All three cadet corps from Sault Ste. Marie Local cadets win at Band and Drill Competition All three cadet corps from Sault Ste. Marie brought home awards at this year’s Northern Ontario Band Drill …